Additional LOINC (Version 2.78) codes for THC

86194-8-3,4-Dimethylmethcathinone [Mass/volume] in Urine by Confirmatory method
86195-5-4-Ethylmethcathinone [Mass/volume] in Urine by Confirmatory method
86192-2-4-Methylethcathinone [Mass/volume] in Urine by Confirmatory method
100926-5-Access to review healthcare data
69462-0-Activation of the destination healthcare facility team
85467-9-Can engage in healthcare discussions - visual analog rating [ePCAM]
83338-4-Can engage in healthcare discussions [PCAM]
81341-0-Circumstances that activate healthcare agent's powers [Reported]
81348-5-Compensation for healthcare agent [Reported]
81347-7-Consent for healthcare agent to deviate from stated goals, preferences and priorities [Reported]
65859-1-Coronary event 10Y risk [#] PROCAM.HealthCheck.Cullen 1997
91514-0-Country where healthcare received outside U.S. [Location]
98871-7-COVID-19 comorbidity and healthcare questionnaire
3608-7-Ethchlorvynol [Mass/volume] in Blood
3610-3-Ethchlorvynol [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma
3612-9-Ethchlorvynol [Mass/volume] in Urine
4243-2-Ethchlorvynol [Mass] of Dose
32071-3-Ethchlorvynol [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma
31090-4-Ethchlorvynol [Presence] in Bile fluid
29373-8-Ethchlorvynol [Presence] in Gastric fluid
3609-5-Ethchlorvynol [Presence] in Serum or Plasma
29611-1-Ethchlorvynol [Presence] in Specimen
3611-1-Ethchlorvynol [Presence] in Urine
95904-9-Event-associated cases among healthcare personnel [#] during reporting period
95908-0-Event-associated deaths among healthcare personnel [#] during reporting period
75784-9-First alternate healthcare agent [Reported]
81377-4-Goals, preferences, and priorities regarding the appointment of healthcare agents [Reported]
104039-3-Have you experienced a delay in healthcare due to time needed to obtain an appointment was too long in past 12 months
104041-9-Have you had a delay in healthcare due to distance or transport problems in past 12 months
81343-6-Healthcare agent advisor [Reported]
81342-8-Healthcare agent appointment intended to be valid in any jurisdiction [Reported]
81344-4-Healthcare agent authority to inspect and disclose mental and physical health information [Reported]
81345-1-Healthcare agent authority to inspect and disclose specially protected health information [Reported]
51896-9-Healthcare Associated Infection report - recommended CDA R2 sections
86535-2-Healthcare associated infection report - recommended CDA R3 set
51897-7-Healthcare Associated Infection report Document
56444-3-Healthcare communication Document
100925-7-Healthcare data exchanged as needed
94460-3-Healthcare navigator Conference note
103799-3-Healthcare navigator Consult note
93903-3-Healthcare navigator Discharge summary
94744-0-Healthcare navigator Evaluation note
100578-4-Healthcare navigator Hospital Progress note
94243-3-Healthcare navigator Note
100470-4-Healthcare navigator Outpatient Progress note
93902-5-Healthcare navigator Plan of care note
93900-9-Healthcare navigator Progress note
101884-5-Healthcare navigator Repository Initial evaluation note
94785-3-Healthcare navigator Telehealth Note
93901-7-Healthcare navigator Telephone encounter Note
86558-4-Healthcare personnel influenza vaccination summary report Document
95892-6-Healthcare personnel status [CDC Emergency Operations Centers]
95879-3-Healthcare personnel with known health status [#]
74571-1-Healthcare professional type [AHRQ]
92240-1-Healthcare-associated infection flag
95905-6-Increase or decrease in event-associated cases among healthcare personnel compared to previous reporting period [#]
95909-8-Increase or decrease in event-associated deaths among healthcare personnel compared to previous reporting period [#]
81346-9-Limitations placed on healthcare agent [Reported]
79236-6-Methcathinone cutoff [Mass/volume] in Urine for Confirmatory method
78858-8-Methcathinone [Mass/volume] in Urine by Confirmatory method
79144-2-Methcathinone [Presence] in Urine by Screen method
87762-1-Methcathinone/Creatinine [Mass Ratio] in Urine by Confirmatory method
2611-2-Methcoproporphyrin [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma
98867-5-Missed scheduled appointment with healthcare provider in past Mo
75612-2-Number of visits to this healthcare entity in the last 12 months
81335-2-Patient Healthcare agent
74495-3-Patient safety event report - hospital - healthcare event reporting form (HERF) - version 1.2 [AHRQ]
81893-0-Patient satisfaction with healthcare delivery [Score]
96880-0-People of my race/ethnicity will not receive coronavirus healthcare as good as the care received by other groups [CRBS]
95906-4-Percent increase or decrease in event-associated cases among healthcare personnel compared to previous reporting period
95910-6-Percent increase or decrease in event-associated deaths among healthcare personnel compared to previous reporting period [#]
105485-7-PhenX - healthcare communications protocol 281101
75786-4-Powers granted to healthcare agent [Reported]
75783-1-Primary healthcare agent [Reported]
98868-3-Reason for missed appointment with healthcare provider in past month
91515-7-Received healthcare in U.S. but outside resident state
90366-6-Received healthcare outside the U.S. in the past
100924-0-Safe and secure healthcare data
100927-3-Satisfied with healthcare data use
75785-6-Second alternate healthcare agent [Reported]
91516-5-State where healthcare received outside resident state
95903-1-Total event-associated cases among healthcare personnel [#]
95907-2-Total event-associated deaths among healthcare personnel [#]
104040-1-Unmet Healthcare Needs panel
96543-4-Visited healthcare facility in 14 days prior to symptom onset
95418-0-Whether patient is employed in a healthcare setting

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02/18/2025 01:46:22