Molecular Diagnostics at Abbott

The information contained in this website has been compiled by CodeMap, L.L.C. to assist Abbott customers. CodeMap, L.L.C. remains solely responsible for its content. The information provided is for general educational purposes only and may not be conclusive or exhaustive. Recent changes in applicable law, regulations and interpretations may not be reflected in the information contained herein. For technical questions, please contact CodeMap.

For other reimbursement questions, please call (704) 253-5086 or email

Fee schedules do not reflect 2% Payment Adjustment (Sequestration). Click here for more information.

      RealTime PCR
            RealTime CT/NG
            RealTime CMV
            RealTime HBV
            RealTime HCV
            RealTime HCV Genotype II
            RealTime HIV-1
            RealTime SARS-CoV-2

            ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System

      Alinity m
            Alinity m CMV Assay
            Alinity m EBV Assay
            Alinity m HBV Assay
            Alinity m HCV Assay
            Alinity m HIV Assay
            Alinity m HPV Assay
            Alinity m MPXV Assay
            Alinity m Resp-4-Plex
            Alinity m SARS-CoV2 Assay
            Alinity m STI Assay

            PathVysion® HER-2 DNA Probe Kit
            Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH Probes Kit
            Vysis CLL FISH Probe Kit
            Vysis EGR1 FISH Probes Kit

      RealTime PCR
            RealTime IDH1®
            RealTime IDH2®

U.S. Medicare Part B Reimbursement for
Fees Reflect 2025 CMS Medicare Fee Schedules

Important note regarding MolDx: AneuVysion Multicolor DNA Probe Kit (Vysis CEP 18, X, Y-alpha satellite, LSI 13 and 21) has been assigned Z-Code ZB795.

Using computer-assisted technology:
Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), using computer-assisted technology, per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure

Procedure Code: 88374 (1) X 2 (2)   CCI   MUE  
Medicare Reimbursement Amount
Global Fee $264.27 X 2 = $528.54
Technical Component $225.13 X 2 = $450.26
Professional Fee $ 39.14 X 2 = $ 78.28

Morphometric analysis, in situ hybridization (quantitative or semi-quantitative), manual, per specimen; each multiplex probe stain procedure

Procedure Code: 88377 (1) X 2 (2)   CCI   MUE  

Medicare Reimbursement Amount
Global Fee $376.19 X 2 = $752.38
Technical Component $315.70 X 2 = $631.40
Professional Fee $ 60.49 X 2 = $120.98

When enumeration is performed by a cytotechnologist:
Procedure CodeProcedure DescriptionReimbursement Amount Units Billed
88271Molecular cytogenetics; DNA probe, each (eg, FISH) $ 21.42
88275Molecular cytogenetics; interphase in situ hybridization, analyze 100-300 cells $ 51.19
88291*Cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics, interpretation and report $ 32.99

* Code 88291 may be reported if a separate report is provided by a pathologist. The findings must be in writing and signed.

(1) Tests using procedure codes 88374 and 88377 are on the Medicare Part B Physician Fee Schedule and require physician or pathologist review and interpretation. If the test is interpreted by a cytotechnologist, procedure codes 88271 and 88275 are applicable. Procedure code 88291 may be reported if a separate report is provided by a pathologist. The findings must be in writing and signed. The January 2016 National Correct Coding Initiative Manual (Chapter 10, page 15) notes:

  "When in situ hybridization is performed on tissue or cellular specimens by a non-physician (provider other than M.D./D.O.), it should be reported using appropriate CPT codes in the range 88271-88275."

"The physician (limited to M.D./D.O.) work component of 88364-88369, 88373, 88374, 88377 requires that a physician (limited to M.D./D.O.) rather than laboratory scientist or technician read, quantitate (88367-88369, 88373, 88374, 88377), and interpret the tissues/cells stained with the probe(s). If this work is performed by a laboratory scientist or technician, CPT codes 88271-88275 should be reported."

(2) Although the code descriptors indicate that the unit of service is for each multiplex probe staining procedure per specimen, the January 2016 edition of the National Correct Coding Initiative Manual (Chapter 10, page 22) indicates the following:

  "The unit of service for in situ hybridization reported as CPT codes 88364-88369, 88373, 88374, 88377 is each single or multiplex probe staining procedure per specimen. If a single or multiplex probe staining procedure is performed on multiple blocks from a surgical specimen, multiple slides from a cytologic specimen, or multiple slides from a hematologic specimen, only one unit of service may be reported for each separate specimen. Physicians should not report more than one unit of service for CPT codes 88366, 88374, or 88377 per specimen for each multiplex probe staining procedure even if it contains multiple separately interpretable probes."

PLEASE consult with your payer to confirm the appropriate unit of service to report for this test.

LOINC Codes-Updated 7/18/2024

Under the MolDx program, certain molecular tests require a Z-Code(TM) identifier in addition to the appropriate CPT code. Services within the scope of this program require the Z-Code(TM) to be submitted as additional information at the time of claim submission in order to be fully adjudicated. Laboratories performing these molecular tests may be required to register with the MolDx program for each molecular pathology test they furnish. For more information on the MolDx program, registration and covered procedures, please click here:

The information contained in this document has been compiled by CodeMap, L.L.C. to assist Abbott customers in preparing and submitting claims to Federal health care programs or other third-party payers. The information provided is for general educational purposes only and may not be conclusive or exhaustive. Recent changes in applicable law, regulations, payer instructions/transmittals and interpretations may not be reflected in the information contained herein. CodeMap, L.L.C. remains solely responsible for its content. Abbott assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors contained in this document.

Abbott does not guarantee that the use of any information provided herein will result in coverage or payment by Federal health care programs or third-party payers. Abbott is not responsible for any actions taken by any Abbott customer that uses this document to bill Medicare, Medicaid or other third-party payers for Abbott products, equipment or devices, including but not limited to, any billing and/or coding errors. Abbott does not guarantee coverage or payment by any payer for our products or reimburse customers for denied claims.

Abbott customers rely on the information contained in this document at their own risk and should check with the individual payers to verify coverage, coding and payment. The customer is ultimately responsible for determining the appropriate codes, coverage, and payment policies for individual patients. Abbott customers are encouraged to seek individual legal and/or coding guidance.


This website is a private website and is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or any other public, private or government organization or agency.

© 2025 Abbott. All rights reserved. All trademarks referenced are trademarks of either the Abbott group of companies or their respective owners.

CPT copyright 2024 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

02/09/2025 12:50:54