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LCDs and LCAs
by Contractor

PLA Codes

Laboratory Fee Schedule


Physician Fee Schedule


OPPS Fee Schedule


ASC Fee Schedule


APC Codes


DRG Codes


ASP Drug Pricing Files


CMS Transmittals

CodeMap® Coding and Reimbursement Web Sites

Coding And Reimbursement Web Sites

CodeMap Coding and reimbursement web sites can provide accurate and accessible coding, reimbursement and coverage information for all of your diagnostic products or services.  Each web site is designed to your specifications in terms of look, feel and compatibility with your corporate image, but is clearly identified as containing CodeMap information. 

The following information can be provided for each of your laboratory tests or diagnostic products, organized by analytical platform or product category for easy reference.

  1. Correct and current CPT® or HPCPS code(s)
  2. Coding advisories pertaining to specific products with reimbursement or coverage issues requiring explanation or interpretation - including downloadable compliance policy where needed.
  3. Medicare reimbursement specific to any state or locality in the country.
  4. Medicaid reimbursement specific to any state or locality in the country.
  5. Exact Medicare reimbursement for all possible test combinations or panels including appropriate compliance policy as needed.
  6. Flags identifying applicable national (NCD) and local (LCD/LCA) Medicare coverage policies specific to any chosen state or locality. 
  7. Covered diagnosis codes (ICD-10) for all products subject to national or local Medicare coverage policy - including frequency limits.
  8. Flags and pop-up menus for all tests or services subject to Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits including prohibited code pairs and identification of edits subject to over-ride by use of a -59 modifier.
  9. Flags and pop-up menus for all tests or services subject to Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) limiting the number of times a given code can be submitted on the same day of service.

Users can contact CodeMap directly via phone or e-mail with questions and problems.

For examples, please see our Client List.





CodeMap® is a Registered Trademark of Wheaton Partners, LLC.